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  8. Call of The Four Gates, The»

Call It Even


Region: Wien

Genre: Rockmusic/Alternative, Rockmusic/Rock


Name Instrumente Von-Bis Anmerkung
Konstantin Carda E-Gitarre - -
Leonhard Pfeffer E-Gitarre - Leadgitarre
Markus Schweiger Stimme - -
Shant Sanosian E-Bass - -
Tamás Künsztler Schlagzeug - -


Jahr Name Format
2017 Best Revenge digital
2017 Trouble digital
2017 The Tesseract digital
Link Anmerkung
Call It Even Official -
facebook -
instagram -
reverbnation -
twitter -
youtube -


kind type value
EMAIL [email protected]
TEL +43 676 848 336 823